Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Girl with Two Masters

"Choose this day whom you will serve... but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." -Joshua 24:15

I've been in a rut lately. You see... this fall I was so incredibly excited about the foster care program. I attended the trainings, started designing the bedrooms, developed a homework chart. I dreamed of what these kids would be like, what situations they would come from, and how much better off they would be in my care.

I was ready.

Then... life happened.

Attrition at work left me shouldering multiple peoples' responsibilities. I put on my big girl pants and absorbed the additional work. I started my days earlier and ended them later, forgetting about friends, family, law school, bible study, and church.

This went on for months.

I cried a lot... mostly because...

Here I was with these big dreams of taking in kids, being their advocate, helping them with homework, feeding them nutritious foods, attending their soccer games, knowing their friends, hosting birthday parties, helping them apply for college.

Could I be that person while working these hours? Absolutely not!

I needed to make some changes.

First off, I had been worshipping a false god (my job) at the expense of everything that actually mattered (my true Christian vocation).  Recognizing this, I made the transition off the Dow Chemical account, and started piecing together my priorities again. I am taking time off to recharge and finish the kids' rooms. I am applying for jobs all over in search of better work-life balance (read: worshipping the right God). I am praying God will land me where he needs me.

Second off, I hadn't been serving. Throughout this period of sadness, it's been easy to say "God, how could you let this happen? Why are you making this so hard? Why won't you just give me what I need? Are you not on *my* side, God?"

But... that was entirely the wrong attitude!

God *is* on my side!!! The question is - am *I* on his side?? Were my behaviors consistent with the daughter of a king? Were they thankful, loving, and pure? No, they were riddled with anger and ingratitude, looking only at what was wrong. They were full of complaints - not solutions. While I may not have had control over my situation, I surely had a choice over what kind of person I wanted to be. And I chose.. to be a person I didn't like!

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." - Matthew 6:24

In Matthew 6:24, we learn that it is impossible for one to serve two masters, as there will always be competing interests. Therefore, we are forced to choose. Just like Joshua... me and my house choose TEAM GOD! :)

Now for the hard part.. building our lives around that choice!

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