How would the next year of your life change if you were madly, truly, deeply, passionately in love with yourself?
What if I truly fell in love with myself? Got the butterflies in my stomach just thinking about the thought of being around me? Looked forward to taking care of myself and impressing myself? Saw these things as opportunities, joys, blessings instead of obligations, habits, routines?
How often do we wait for someone else to put us up on a pedestal instead of just knowing that we are doing right and that we have perfect hearts and that that is greatness?
A quote from Thessolonians: "If you constantly look to other people for answers and validation, pray about that and ask the Lord to help you stop doing that and instead look to Him." -1 Thessolonians 2:4
I do that often. So I prayed on it a bit, on how to better love myself without needing someone else's love, but I came to this conclusion -- there is no commandment that says "love yourself." Many passages speak of being humble, loving your Lord, and loving your neighbors, but I couldn't find even one that says to love yourself.
Then I realized this. WE are truly blessed because WE are created in HIS image. We are photocopies of God. So just like you love the Jonas Brothers and would get excited about a Jonas Brothers poster, you would love God and get excited about a carbon copy of God!
When we are feeling down on ourselves, we need to remember that hating yourself is hating God. Hating the painting is a criticism to the artist.
No matter what our specific calling, our calling as human beings is to glorify our artist, our maker, our Heavenly King. The glory goes up to Him and the blessings fall down on us!!
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